Almost a decade has passed since SEB West first became a Mitt Liv partner. During the course of the partnership SEB has received and benefited from strategic guidance, network meetings, competence development, mentorship in Mitt Livs Chans, D&I information emails and marketing.

In recent years SEB has also worked together with Mitt Liv to arrange four extremely successful trainee programs for mentees from the Mitt Livs Chans mentoring program.

We received our inspiration for the trainee program during one of the network meetings that Mitt Liv regularly arranges for their partners. Stena Metall, also a Mitt Liv partner, had undertaken a similar initiative. This is an excellent example of the importance of creating a forum where different organisations within the network can exchange experience and knowledge to learn from each other and inspire each other to make a difference.

Pernilla Johnsson

Pernilla Johnsson
Partnership Manager, Sustainability & Entrepreneurship, SEB West

Trainee program

In May 2019, the fourth edition of SEB’s trainee program in collaboration with Mitt Liv came to an end – this time on a larger scale than in previous years, with 13 candidates who had been recruited from the Mitt Livs Chans mentoring program.

The trainees, whose trainee period lasted for two months, were matched with the bank’s various areas of operation to provide them with insight into what it is like to work at SEB, and to increase their understanding of the types of skills, knowledge and experience that are currently in demand in the banking and finance sector. Over the years, SEB’s trainee concept has resulted in more than ten mentees receiving employment at SEB.

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